Our FTP Droplets help to make it easy for you to send us your job files.
After you have completed your upload, e-mail job information to preflight@thoroughbredprinting.com or use on our “Send File Information” form.
Information to include in your email:
- Customer Name
- E-mail Address
- Mailing Address
- Phone
- Fax
- Job Description / Specification
- File name
- FSC or SFI job
- Quote Number
- Sales Representative
- Proof Requirements (Physical, Web, E-mail)
- Delivery Date
- Delivery Instructions
Macintosh - Requirements: Mac OS X 10.4.x, 10.5.x, 10.6.x
- Download the software
- Open the archive and pull the application on to the desktop
- Launch the program, drag your file or folder of files onto the world icon
- The software will compress your files, login, upload your files and disconect
- No login or password is needed
PC - Requirements - Windows 7, Windows Vista, XP Home/Professional SP2, 2000 SP3, 2003/2008 Server
- Download the software below
- Uncompress the installer
- Double click on the installer and accept the default settings
- Launch the program, drag your file or folder of files onto the world icon
- The software will compress your files, login, upload your file and disconnect
- No login or password is needed